Section & Services

The library system utilizes barcodes and scanners to streamline the circulation process and improve efficiency.

The library system uses barcodes and barcode scanners to accurately record and manage attendance data.

Reading rooms are designed to provide a calm and focused environment that is conducive to concentrated reading and learning.

A designated area where various types of periodical publications are organized and made available for reading or borrowing.

A dedicated area of reference materials intended to provide quick information on a wide range of topics.

A digital platform or repository to store, preserve, and provide access to its publications and question papers.

A digital platform that offers a collection of past examination question papers for practice and study purposes.

A Web-OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is a digital interface that provides users with online access to a library's catalog and resources.
Excerpts or cuttings from newspapers that are collected, preserved, and organized for research, documentation, reference, or historical archiving.

A session offered by a library to introduce patrons, especially new or unfamiliar users, to the library's resources, services, and facilities.

A wonderful initiative that can provide valuable resources and support to patrons seeking career guidance and development.

A reprographic section in a library can offer patrons access to printing, copying, scanning, and other document-related services.

The objective of the scheme is to create awareness among staff and students about use of the computer.

Proving identity, granting access to certain areas, and facilitating transactions.