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শিৱসাগৰ বাণিজ্য মহাবিদ্যালয়

ডিব্ৰুগড় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, অসমৰ অধীনস্থ
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ESTD: 1969

Department of Hospitality Management

One Year Diploma Course in Hospitality Management was started by Sibsagar Commerce Collegeduring 2015-2016 under the UGC Community College Scheme(2015-16) as per UGC’s approvalNo.F.1-20/2015(CC) Dated 9th June, 2015 for which UGC financial grant was sanctioned for two initial years. This course comprises of two semesters viz. NSQF Level 4 is the First semester (Job Role: F & B Service Steward) and NSQF Level 5 is known as Second semester (Job Role: Facility Supervisor). The course curriculum was designed by THSC(Tourism and Hospitality Sector council under the regulation of NSDC(National Skill Development Corporation). Under this course students are to complete 60% of the entire course curriculum which is categorized under Skill course and the rest 40% is categorized under General course. There is dual certification system, for general course Host College offers certificate and for skill course THSC (NSDC) gives the certificate to the qualifying candidates. For better governance of the course the host institution constitutes two Boards viz. Board of Management and Board of Studies of which first board looks after the managerial and higher decisions concerned with the sustainability and other management related issues and the second one is concerned with course and syllabus designed along with placement arrangements etc.Sibsagar Commerce College has already involved in written MOU with several state and national level organizations which guarantees internship and placement of outgoing students every year. The placement statistics of the course seems to be around 70-80% in all the batches. The admission process of the course begins from 1st August every year and classes commence from 1st of September. As part of the course, at least one industry visit is being scheduled in each semester. The mentionable placement partners are Borgos Kaziranga, Nataraj Hotel, Taj Vivanta, Radisson Blue, Efcee Sarovar Portico Gujarat, Axis Bank, TVS Motors, Bonhabi Resort, Hotel Brahmaputra, Department of Tourism Sivasagar, Bandhan Bank, ICICI Prudential, etc.


• To inculcate the spirit of enquiry in the teaching learning process through appropriate pedagogy and ICT.
• To promote woman education and women studies.
• To impact value oriented education and skill based training which will fasten leadership traits of the learners, thus generation sustainable development social harmony and peace.
• To forge alliance with the industries for enhancing industry academic interfacing.
• To enable the students to understand the need for using psychological experiments in teaching learning process.

Courses Offered

The following are the main objectives of the course:

• To produce certified and skilled manpower to serve in the hospitality sector in economy.
• To provide basic knowledge and tactics of Hospitality/hotel management which will be helpful in getting job placement of outgoing candidates.
• To develop industry–ready professional for the hospitality sector.
• To access national and international job opportunities in hospitality sector.
• To provide opportunities for community–based life-long learning byoffering courses of general interest to the community for personal development and interest.
• To enhance the students self confident for future career.
• Tooffer bridge courses to certificate holders of general / vocational education under NSDC (National Skill Development Council), so as to bring them at par with appropriate NVEQF level certificate course.

Present Faculties

Mr. Ankur Boruah

Hospitality Management
Date of Joining : 2015-11-01
Contact Details : 7002494087,

Additional Responsibility :

CV : View CV